Thursday, November 7, 2013

T for Turtle

T is for Tuck the Turtle... and Tobin too! 
Here is our pet turtle, Tuck, that will probably out live all of us.

Obviously turtles are not a new thing around here. Tobin has found several in our backyard that we convince him to let go to their families. He loves turtles. He loves all animals, from little rolie-polies to elephants. That is another reason My Father's World is perfect for us.Ant hill, butterfly garden, dinos, elephants, goats, cows.....that all equals Tobin heaven! (No seriously... after hearing the "Heaven is for Real" story, he is so excited about petting the lions, bunnies, and colorful horses).

 I didn't take many pictures of this unit as we mainly read books and filled out worksheets. The boys loved looking at pictures of different turtles and other reptiles. They learned that turtles, snakes, and lizards are reptiles while frogs and salamanders are amphibians.  

Here is the culinary masterpiece I whipped together:) - 

and the only art project we accomplished:
(Tortoise and Hare finger puppets)

The best part of this unit was learning "I do not quit! I persevere!!!"
My THREE year old can tell you that a turtle is a reptile, and.... "I do not quit! I persevere!" 
We read The Tortoise and the Hare, and learned the importance of never giving up. The following exercise made this stick in their minds sooooo well. -
On your mark, get set....

The boys (and dog) ran three laps around the tree and back to me! (I timed them but of course do not remember the time)

Now run with a heavy shield and cowboy hat...
Tobin did not finish as he was annoyed by his hat. Jonah (three year old) finished laughing. I said (very loudly) "WOW! You Persevered! I am so glad you didn't quit, even when it was so hard! You did great, just like the tortoise, AND you had soooo much fun too!"
I then told them the next race was even HARDER, and that they would really have to persevere to win.
All this got Tobin's attention really well, so....
Now run wearing Daddy's heavy, big coats....

They both finished the race, and laughed the whole time. I timed them all three rounds, and told them that they ran sooo much faster when they didn't have heavy things holding them down.  

   Here is exactly what My Father's World told me to say (THIS IS GOOD STUFF PEOPLE): 
"All those things I added made it harder, didn't they? God says that sin is like that. If we let sin entangle us, life becomes much harder. If you get angry and yell at your brother, that is a sin that entangles you. But when you apologize to your brother and to God, you are free! (take off one heavy thing the child is wearing).
 "If I ask you to clean your room and you complain, that is a sin that entangles you. But when you apologize to God and Mom, and clean your room with a good attitude, the weight of the sin goes away." (take off remaining heavy objects from the child.)
"God wants you to be free of any yucky stuff that slows you down and wears you out. He talks about that in the Bible: "'So let us throw off everything that stands in our way. Let us throw off any sin that holds on to us so tightly. Let us keep on running the race marked out for us. (Heb 12:1b) "
"Ready? Now that you got rid of the sin that was slowing you down, and tangling you up- race again! GO!"
Tobin ran faster than his first time! 
This was a huge A - HAH! moment for Tobin. This is when he understood what "persevere" really means, and he started to grasp the sin and need for forgiveness concept too. HUGE. I am so grateful for this curriculum and unit. 

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