Tuesday, April 15, 2014

G is for Goat

Here are my boys holding a precious baby goat just two days after it was born!
 I couldn't have planned learning G for Goat better if I tried!

 The baby kid couldn't hardly walk yet, it was so new to this world. 
The combo of this sweet little baby and my yellow loving three year old has
 become some of my favorite photos ever!

Meet Farmer Tobes. He plans on taking all Grandpa's goats, pigs, and chickens to start his own farm. 
 We also enjoyed the goats at the petting zoo.

 Explorer Tobes is searching for new animals for his farm. Worksheets can take a long time to get through sometimes, but at least it is a lot of fun! 

Goats are not a new thing to my boys, since they enjoy visiting them at my parents' home. 
My  main focus was on the words "Jesus died for my sins." I explained  that goats and sheep were sacrificed for sins before Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice for our sins.

 I love how the My Father's World curriculum explains it, as this is a very delicate and scary concept for little ones: 

"Jesus never did anything wrong, but when He came to earth He was killed because we have done wrong. We don't kill animals now if people sin, because Jesus came and died for our sins. When we sin, God forgives us if we are His children because Jesus took the punishment that we deserve."


Christine Lewis said...

Love love the goat pictures!

Christine Lewis said...

Love love the goat pictures!