Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Pre-K Color of the Day

We started school! Both my Pre-ker and my first grader have had fun with the color of the day theme that came with the Pre-k curriculum. We are using the Pre-k Sing, Spell, Read, and Write program. The worksheets are high quality, and they are a favorite already.
red day:

yellow day:

blue day at grandma's:

green day:

 eating green eggs and green meatballs (after reading Green Eggs and Ham)

brown and purple day:

orange day:

pink day (not excited about that one around here):

black day:

gray day (he decided that was boring and made the stone wall rainbow instead):

white day:

Plus, we did the idea in the curriculum where we made a chart based on everyone's favorite color. I decided to get a little more data by asking my fb friends to tell me their fave colors too. 135 votes later....

blue won!

This boy LOVED learning about colors

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