Friday, October 18, 2013

N is for Nest

N is for Nest - unit 6 in My Father's World Kindergarten Curriculum

All of a sudden, writing is coming easily, or naturally, to Tobin. What he used to complain about, he now does without hesitation. He wrote a dozen "N"s and "n"s without blinking an eye. Instead of complaining when he had to come up with items that started with a letter of the alphabet, he colored the items and he actually wanted to write the whole word! 

I didn't make him write "lobster" as that would just confuse him, but I love that he came up with something so unique. Nike for "N" is my favorite. I asked if he could think of a world that started with both "S" and then "a", and he immediately thought "sad"! I think we had our first big kindergarten "Ah - HAH!" moment!!!! That, my friends, is what makes my job awesome.

Of course we made nests. We shredded the shredded wheat for our grass, and used chow mein noodles for twigs. Melted chocolate and peanut butter was our very yummy mud.  (MFW idea)

 And of course, the jellybeans are the little eggs. My blue obsessed boy was SOOOOO excited when he learned that robins actually lay blue eggs:).

We shared our nests with our neighbor (another "N" word that I did point out for learning purposes:))

I got this idea on pinterest of course. I didn't follow exactly, but we got about the same result.

Yet another pinterest idea. I love this lady's website. She has so many wonderful ideas.
Tobin is wearing his badge that we made with our My Father's World curriculum. We learned "God takes good care of me." I love the character-building focus that goes with each topic. 

 I wrote our memory phrase on the eggs. Hey, I had an original idea! Take that pinterest!!! I have a love/hate relationship with pinterest. 

My yellow obsessed 3 year old stole and lost the yellow egg soon after,  
so I am glad I got this picture in time.

We also read one of our favorites: "Are you My Mother?"

Tobin made his own version of the book that included an octopus, but the book has magically disappeared,so... Sorry, no pictures.

This was a gentle, much needed lesson for my always worrying 5 year old. I am so glad we could talk about how God takes care of us just like a mother bird takes care of her eggs. I think it really got the point across in a way that my animal loving son could understand.

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