Monday, June 30, 2014

My Father's World: Kindergarten, Recap and Links

           I LOVED using My Father's World for kindergarten. I have a feeling I will look back on this year as our favorite year of school.  I love that each unit allows the parent to find info on each unit from the library/computer as much or as little as they want. Every unit stretched our knowledge (yes, I learned A LOT). My son didn't really care about the horse unit, or the water unit, but I was free to move on and do what we really wanted to spend time on. Most kindergartners don't spend much time on science and focus on letters only, but my son can tell you examples of marsupials, amphibians, and reptiles! He knows dinosaur names, bird types, that the octopus doesn't have a backbone, and every animal he wants to have on his future farm. I do believe we are going to run out of science topics to talk about at this rate!
      The weekly schedule provided in the teacher's manual is now a requirement for me. I tried teaching my own units for awhile, and it was sooooo hard and time consuming to get my topics and resources organized. There's also the big issue of making sure I included the basic phonics and math my son needed on a daily basis! I felt like I used all my creative energy before I could get to the good and fun stuff. With the My Father's World curriculum, all the requirements are ready and waiting for us, so I can use my creative energy to actually come up with additional fun projects that go along with the topics. Also, the wonderful Biblical concepts that went with each unit filled the need for character training that I knew we needed even more than the ABC's!  Not to mention, my son LOVES bugs!!! We did the butterfly garden, ant hill, and even added the ladybug and praying mantis to our repertoire of bug life cycles to watch.

Here are the links based on the units:
creation intro unit
#1 and #2 -s for sun, m for moon
#3-L for Leaf
#4- A for Apple
#5- N for Nest
#6- T for Turtle
#7- U for Us
#8- D for Dinosaur
#9 -O for Octopus
#10- W for Water
#11-I for Insect
#12 - G for Goat
#13 - C for Cow
#14 - H for Horse
#15 - E for Elephant
#16-P for Penguin
#17 and #18- K for Kangaroo and Z for Zebra
#19 and #20 - R for Rock and J for Jewel
#21 - B for Butterfly
#22- F for Frog
#23- X for Fox
#24 and #26- V for Vegetable and Y for Yellow
#25- Q for Quail
With all the Biblical Concept cards for the year:

I plan on using My Father's World for first grade as well. I keep looking at all the different curriculum out there, and there is a LOT to choose from, but I keep coming back to the My Father's World option. I mean, he will learn to read next year by reading the ENTIRE Bible! Yes, it is in easy reader format, but WOW! What better way to set his foundation on the Rock than by starting with God's Word? Plus, memorizing verses from Proverbs, and continuing the fun science projects- like a wormery! I feel like the curriculum was made for us. He doesn't enjoy all the coloring, but that's little brother's job anyways:). 
My Father's World kindergarten was an amazing journey, and I can't wait to do it again in two years with my youngest. I'm also excited that my friend, and beginner homeschool-mom, will be using it with her son next year. On to the next year of adventures in homeschooling!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Thank you so much for sharing this! These links will be a huge resource to me as we begin MFW this year with my 4 year old!

I would love to email you to talk more about your experience, and ask a few questions! I hope you continue blogging this year!

you can email me at :

Hope to hear from you! Looks like you had a great year!